“The Cocktail Cabaret” features musical virtuosity and humor brought to life by a small cast of power-house musical performers. Original cast members Niki Scalera(“Hairspray,” “Tarzan,” “Footloose”) and Maren Wade(“America’s Got Talent,” “Confessions of a Showgirl,” “Pin Up,” “50 Shades! The Parody”) will welcome sensational baritone-tenor Doug Carpenter (“Baz,” “Beautiful, the Carol King Musical”) and veteran Vegas Entertainer Tony Arias as emcee.
The fantastic four-piece band is led by co-producer and renowned pianist Dr. Philip Fortenberry (“Behind the Candelabra”), drummer Don Meoli (“Jersey Boys”), bassist Josh Jones (“Million Dollar Quartet”) and Saxophonist John Summers (“Lady Gaga”).
.Comedic musical performer Tony Arias will guest emcee, and for those who know Tony, we’re in for a wildly funny and exciting show!”